Dr. Jack L. Arnold Equipping
Pastors International Philippians
Lesson 7
The Mind of Christ
Philippians 2:1-8
A. Today
I will attempt to do an exposition of one of the most amazing and profound
passages in all the Bible. My very best attempt at sound preaching will be but a puny
effort, for there are no words to describe this passage. Perhaps you would do better, after this
sermon, to go home and, on your knees, pour over the sacred words
yourself. I assure you, when you
get off your knees, you will have a deeper adoration and appreciation for the
person and work of Christ.
B. By
way of background, the Philippian Church had very few problems. There was no doctrinal heresy or immoral
conduct. However, if the Devil
cannot reach Christians one way, he will try
another. In the church at
Philippi, there were some insipient forms of fighting and feuding among the
congregation so that their testimony to the world was being hindered. In 1:27, Paul appeals to these
Christians to stop wrangling and “stand firm in one spirit, contending as one
man for the faith of the gospel.”
Christian unity is not an option but a necessity if the local church is
going to make an impact upon the world for Christ. NOTE: As much
as we Christians intellectually know we should be striving for unity, many of
us are not doing much about it. We
somehow rationalize that our critical attitude is all right, our negative
spirit is acceptable, and our gossip is not so bad as long as we are doing it
against someone else but not he to us.
Unity comes when there is one mind, one spirit, one heart and one bond
in the gospel cause. Fighting
within the local church destroys the power of Christ in the midst of His people,
and the outside world mocks Christ because of the carnal actions of Christians.
A. Appeal
for Unity (1-2)
1. If
(since) you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort
from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and
compassion, --
The “if” seems as though there is some doubt about these virtues
but the Greek leaves no room for uncertainty, for it should be translated, “If
and it is true” or “Since it is true.”
There is encouragement, comfort, fellowship, tenderness and compassion
because of a Christian’s spiritual union with Jesus Christ. Because the Christian receives
encouragement from Christ, he can encourage others. Since the Christian is comforted by Christ’s love, he can
comfort others in love. Since the
Holy Spirit brings a bond of fellowship to all Christians, they can strive for
unity and achieve it. Since in
Christ we Christians have found tenderness and compassion, we can show these
virtues to others, motivating us to establish unity in the church. NOTE: This is a plea by the Apostle Paul for these Philippians to
be the kind of church the Lord wanted them to be, and try to be the kind of
church Paul had planned for them to be.
Our treatment of others is always a measure of our sense of having been
blessed by God. The more we
understand God’s love towards us in Christ, the more we will show love to
others. Jesus taught this same
truth to Simon, the arrogant Pharisee, who could not understand why he would
allow a prostitute to minister to Him.
In Luke 7, He said, “He who is forgiven little loves little.” The point is obvious: to the degree we understand our own
spiritual need and appreciate all God has done for us in Christ, we will be
able to humble ourselves before one another, loving as Christ loved us. If we regard ourselves as having been
forgiven little, then we will be stingy in our forgiveness of others.
2. Then
make my joy complete -- Paul was happy with the salvation and spiritual
growth of the Philippians but he would be overjoyed or jump for joy when he
heard and saw the Philippian Church had true unity. NOTE: What kind
of church pleases God and man? A
church where there is harmony, love and fellowship among the Christians. This can happen in a small church or a
large church because it is a matter of attitude not circumstances.
3. By
being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. -- The local church which pleases
God must have a spirit of oneness, unity and harmony. This is a
oneness around the gospel or the work of Jesus Christ. If all are submitted to Christ, there
will be submission to one another.
Paul is calling for unity of thought, unity of feeling, unity of Spirit and
unity of purpose. NOTE: The thrust of Howell Branch Fellowship, must be the propagation of the gospel, by each
and every member in Orlando and the four corners of the earth.
have all heard the saying, “Idle hands are the Devil’s tools.” This can apply to spiritual activity as
well. Christians soaking in God’s
Word and not giving it out will become the Devil’s tool, for they will develop
a stagnate and critical attitude.
Christians should be very active in spiritual works such as praying studying
the Bible, teaching, visiting, witnessing and socializing. Today, Christians are too busy doing
everything but the Lord’s work.
Being too busy for God’s work is a sin!
B. Appeal
for Humility (3-4)
1. Do
nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider
others better than yourselves. -- The congregation which pleases
the Lord must have a spirit of humility; that is, all selfish interests
and human pride must be subjected to the interests and welfare of another
Christian. D. L. Moody said,
“Selfishness is tearing others down and vain conceit is building ourselves
up.” The word “humility” really
means “lowliness of mind.” In
lowliness of mind, Christians are to consider others better than
themselves. How do we interpret
the thought of “better?”
Obviously, some Christians are smarter than others, some are more
educated than others, some are more talented than
others. Are we to ignore these
facts? No, because Paul is talking
about “importance.” The NASB translates
this, “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind
let each one regard one another as more important than
himself.” We are to view every
other Christian as more important to the body of Christ than we are. It is very difficult to say, “That
person is better than me” when he may not be in various ways, but we can say,
“That person’s interests are more important than mine.” NOTE: Each Christian must realize that all he has is by the grace
of God and if he is in any way superior to another Christian, it is all God’s
doing (1 Cor. 4:7: For who
makes you different from anyone else?
What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you
did not?). Each Christian
is to think of himself as the least important Christian in the church. This is what real humility is. Humility is not, “Ah, shucks, I’m
really nothing.
I’m nobody. I’m a
worm.” NOTE: A mind of humility is giving up
personal rights and wants for the rights and wants of others. So often we hear Christians say or
imply, “I have my rights and I’m going to cling to my rights no matter what any
other Christian does or says!”
That is not a mind of humility.
A. Ironside used to tell a story that is appropriate to the rights
question. When he was a boy of
only eight or ten years of age, his mother took him to a business meeting of
Christians. Two men were having a
quarrel -- he
didn’t remember what it was about --
but one of them stood up and pounded on the desk and said, “I don’t care
what the rest of you do, all I want is my rights.” sitting in the front row was a dear
old Scottish man, somewhat hard of hearing, who cupped his hand behind his ear,
leaned forward and said, “Aye, brother, what’s that you say? What do you want?” The fellow said, “Well, I just said
that all I want is my rights, that’s all.” And the old Scot replied, “Your rights, brother, is that
what you want, your rights? If you
had your rights, you’d be in hell.
The Lord Jesus didn’t come to get his rights,
he came to get his wrongs. And he
got them.” The fellow who had been
bickering stood transfixed for a moment.
Then he sat down and said, “You’re right. Settle it any way you like.”
2. Each
one of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the
interests of others. -- The local
church which pleases God has a spirit of helpfulness; that is, each
Christian is interested in every other Christian and will desire to be a
help. Now Paul tells us what
humility is: it is looking after
the interests of others rather than our own interests. NOTE: Notice carefully Paul does not say we Christians should
never look out after our own interests.
He never says we are to abandon our interests, never thinking about
self. We ought at times to think
about ourselves – “not only to your own interests” – but the
question is in what order? God
first, others second and me last.
The secret to harmony and unity is not found in pursuing our own
interests, but in looking out for the interests of others. Unity is only possible through humility
as we deal with our pride and our desire to pursue our own selfish advantage.
being married for over 50 years, a man revealed the secret to his successful
marriage. He said, “Well, the wife
and I had this agreement when we first got married. When she was bothered about something, she jus’ tell me and git it off her chest. And if I was mad about somethin’, I was to take a long
walk. I ‘s’ppose you could
attribute our successful marriage to the fact that I have mostly led an outdoor
life.” This man was committed to
NOTE: If we are
looking after the interests of others, we would have very few conflicts. What is strife? It is conflict of interests. Two parties wanting
their rights, their way, their desires, their goals. Why conflict in the local church? Because Christians
are doing their own thing which ultimately results in a spiritual collision. We cannot collide with another
Christian if we put his interests first.
NOTE: Each Christian has
the same position before God, each is loved equally by God
and each is equally precious to God.
Christians differ only in personality, cultural status and IQ. But, even these are from God, so we
can’t boast about them. God wants
us to use these things to glorify Him and to serve others. We are basically what we are and that
cannot be changed. Our personality
can be refined and mellowed by the Holy Spirit but not changed. NOTE: Christians also differ in spiritual gifts and each Christian
needs the gift of the other Christian.
One time I heard a man speak and he opened his sermon with the words,, “Every Christian is in some way my superior.” That hit me like a ton of bricks, for
it is true. Every other Christian
has something to tech me.
A. Exhortation
to Christians (5): Your
attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. -- The KJV says, “Let this mind be
in you, which was also in Christ.”
Paul will use Jesus Christ as the supreme
example of humility, and we Christians are to show that kind of humility of
mind. Christians cannot copy
Christ in His redemptive acts but can follow or copy the example of Christ in
His attitudes in carrying out His redemptive acts. NOTE: Verses
6-8 contain some heavy theology, but we must notice that Paul never divorces
doctrine from the practical. Paul
did not say, “We have had enough of this practical stuff, now lets get
doctrinal.” Paul does not teach
theology (doctrine) just to fill people’s minds with facts but gives theology
to direct our lives and to change our way of living.
B. Example
of Christ ( 6-8)
1. Who,
being in very nature God, -- Christ, in His preincarnate
state, was the second person of the Trinity who always existed in essence and
nature as God. Jesus Christ had
the same qualities or attributes of God because He was one in essence or
substance with God. This is saying
that Christ is, was and will be God from eternity to eternity.
2. Did
not consider equality with God something to be grasped, -- Jesus Christ
from all eternity was equal with God because He was God. The Lord Jesus was co-eternal and
co-equal with the Father, sharing the glory of the Trinity (John
17:5: And now, Father, glorify me
in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.). The glory of the Triune God was
His. The eternal Son, in his
sacrificing spirit, did not feel that He had to grasp tightly to this glory but
was willing to set it aside.
NOTE: Jesus Christ willingly
and voluntarily set aside His glory for a purpose far more important than His
own interests and that was to redeem men from sin.
3. But
made himself nothing, -- This really says Christ emptied Himself. What did He empty Himself of? He did not empty Himself of all or some
of His attributes as the liberals say or He would be less than God, which would
contradict this passage and other passages in the Bible which
state that Christ is God. The Lord
did not give up the possession of His attributes but the expression of
them. When He emptied Himself, He
veiled His glory and voluntarily restricted the independent use of his
attributes. It was absolutely
necessary that Christ put certain limitations on Himself because He had become
a man. NOTE: Christ stripped Himself of the robes of
glory, and covered Himself with the rags of humanity. Why? So that He
could redeem men from sin and bring them to God. Milton said,
“That glorious Form, that light insufferable
laid aside: and here with us to
the courts of everlasting day,
chose with us a darksome house of mortal clay.”
4. Taking
the very nature of a servant,
-- The
eternal Son laid aside His glory to become a man. He became the God-Man, the one mediator between God and man (1
Tim. 2:5: For there is one God and
one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…). As a man, he experienced all that men
experience – he cried, rejoiced, felt pain hungered, thirsted, knew
temptation and even died. He was a
man in every sense of the word; yet He was a special man in that He was the
God-Man sent as a servant (slave) (Mark 10:45: For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to
serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.). NOTE: Christ, as a servant, surrendered His human will to the
Father and was in constant submission to the Father’s will. NOTE: Christ took a human body, spirit and soul into union with
His divine nature; yet he remained what He always was the eternal Son of God.
5. And
being found in appearance as a man, -- Jesus Christ was a man but He
was free from sin. He was like man
but did not have a sinful nature.
NOTE: Jesus Christ was perfect
and could not err. The liberals
say that when He became Man, He subjected Himself to the human liability to
error, as all other men. I find it
impossible to associate mistakes with Deity. Limitations, yes, voluntarily
assumed; but not errors.
6. He
humbled himself -- Oh what
humility it took for the Son to leave His eternal palace and become a man. For Christ to be made flesh was more
humility than for angels to be made worms. It would be like taking a beautiful diamond and throwing it
into a pigpen. NOTE: It would have been wonderful if Christ would have been a king among men, sitting on a throne. That would have been humiliation, form
the eternal throne of God, even if He had been the most highly honored among
men. But being a man, He still
humbled Himself. He became a poor
man; He became a hated man. They
tried to kill Him. He still
further humbled Himself and suffered poverty. He had nowhere to lay His head. They had to borrow a manger for Him in which to be born;
they had to borrow a grave in which to bury Him. He was not only a man.
He came down to the lowest strata of society. He became a despised man. How often have we sun song “Ivory Palaces”
“Out of the ivory palaces into a world of
his great eternal love made my Savior go.”
7. And
became obedient to death—even death on a cross! -- Submitting His will to the
Father, Christ, knowing full well all the implications of His horrible,
ignominious death, gladly went to the Cross to die. God became man and died for sinful people. How could it happen, we do not know;
that it did happen we are assured.
Charles Wesley said it well, “Tis mystery all! The immortal dios!”
Why did he die? He died to
redeem sinners from sin and hell.
When He went to the Cross, He had every person
who would trust Him in mind. He
knew them by name. He gladly
humbled Himself, leaving eternal glory, to die a humble death. Why? Because He loved all those who would ever trust Him as a
personal Savior. NOTE: There was no other way to redeem
men. This was God’s way and Christ
was a humble servant, giving His life a ransom for many. There had to be a perfect sacrifice, an
atonement of infinite value. This
could be accomplished only by a person who was both God and man, who was
without sin and yet was truly a man, representing the human race. Only Christ could atone for sin. NOTE: Such humility!
As a man, He was mocked, scoffed at, spit upon, beaten and nailed to a
Roman stake. That was the depths
of humility Christ underwent to save men.
If anyone ever had the right to demand his rights, our Lord did. But he set His rights and interests
aside that He might further the interests of others. That is true humility.
As another poet said,
“Was it the nails, O Savior, that bound Thee
to the Tree?
twas Thine everlasting love, Thy love for me, for me.”
The poet E. H. Swinstead said,
“Though he was rich, so rich,
for our sakes, how poor he became!
his garments they parted
he hung on the cross of shame.
that he had he gave for me,
I might be rich through eternity.”
A. Saved. What is the point of this whole
illustration of Christ for us Christians?
Christians are to have a humble, submissive, self-sacrificing spirit
towards one another, for Christ is the supreme example of humbleness. Because Christ came to serve and not be
served, we Christians are to serve and not be served.
B. Unsaved
1. For
you here without Christ, do you realize what Christ did there on the
Cross? Do you realize Christ left
heavens glory to redeem sinners like you?
You can realize
this and become a child of God by placing your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord
and Savior.